Year 4

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Year 4 classes are taught by qualified teachers, supported by qualified Classroom Assistants.

Year 4 pupils may attend daily Breakfast Club (7:30 am-8:30am). Pupils will be supervised and escorted to the Class.

Year 4 pupils may attend daily After School Club (3:30-6:00pm). Pupils will be escorted from the Class to the After School Club.  See CLUBS.


School Uniform

Pupils attending Year 6 are expected to be wearing the School Uniform.

See School Uniform for a list of the items required and for items that can be ordered and bought from the School.

Physical Education

There will be 1 Physical Education lesson every week.

There will be 1 Games lesson every Friday afternoon

The Physical Education Uniform consists of:

  • Black shorts – plain / tracksuit during Winter months
  • Yellow ‘T’ Shirt with crest – bought at the School
  • Trainers

Termly Newsletters are provided for parents / carers which outlines a list of the work to be covered in Class.

We ask that every pupil be provided with a black book bag which can be bought from the School Office. This will be used by each pupil for carrying reading books etc to and from School. Pupils are expected to bring their books to School every day. Parents/guardians are kindly asked to try and read with their children at home every night if possible. 

Snacks and Dinners - Pupils are welcome to bring a healthy snack or fruit to eat during his/her break.

Pupils may choose to have a School Meal or bring a packed lunch from home. Pupils are supervised during the breaks and lunch hour. Monthly menus are sent to parents via Parentmail.

  • If your child has any dietary needs, you will be expected to have discussed these beforehand with the School Registrar and class teacher.
  • Payments for dinners should be made via the Payment App.